Web Site Privacy Policy

This privacy policy explains what personal information we collect, why we collect it, how we use and who we pass it on to it as well as your rights relating to this information.  It applies if you use our website or if you talk directly with one of our support staff.

If you have any question regarding this policy or our privacy practices you can email us: privacy@sjjb.co.uk to contact us by phone 033 0053 8330 .

What information do we collect about you and why?

We collect the following information:

Contact Form: If you submit a contact form we capture the resulting information to handle your enquiry.

Server logs: In order to meet our technical needs of managing server resources and security we log all accesses to our servers, the IP address they originated from, the web browser used and the time that the access occurred.  

How long do we hold the information?

If you proceed to create a TAMS contact your contact form information will be held for the duration of your contract, otherwise it will be discarded after 30 days.

Server logs: We keep detailed server logs for around 6 months. Anonymised information (with IP addresses and account details removed) may be stored for up to 2 years to manage long term trends.

Who do we share the information with?

Your contact information may be shared with your employer or their representative.  Other logs are for internal use of SJJB only.

How is your data protected

As required by UK and European data protection laws we take all reasonable precautions to secure your data and restrict access to those staff with a need to access it. We encrypt your data both in transit and on our servers as well as maintaining physical security.

Your rights to control your data

Who is responsible for managing your data

SJJB Management controls the processing of personal data in relation to our online booking tool and agency service.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding the privacy of your data or if you would like to review, update or delete data we hold please email privacy@sjjb.co.uk or telephone us on 033 0053 8330 .